
Beiträge in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften

  • Saemann, R., T. Graf and I. Neuweiler (2022): Performance of nearest neighbour metrics for pluvial flood nowcasts in urban catchmentsJournal of Hydrology 604, 127225
  • M. Marwan, B. Ataie-Ashtiani, T. Graf, M. W. Saaltink, C. T. Simmons, A. Younes (2022): Modeling-Based Approaches for Water Resources ProblemsFrontiers Media S.A.
    DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2022.913844
    ISSN: 26249375
  • Rözer V., A. Peche, S. Berkhahn, Y. Feng, L. Fuchs, T. Graf, U. Haberlandt, H. Kreibich, R. Sämann, M. Sester, B. Shehu, J. Wahl, I. Neuweiler (2021): Impact‐Based Forecasting for Pluvial FloodsEarth's Future 9(2)
    DOI: 10.1029/2020EF001851
  • Tran, T.V., J. Buckel, P. Maurischat, H. Tang, Z. Yu, A. Hördt, G. Guggenberger, F. Zhang, A. Schwalb, T. Graf (2021): Delineation of a Quaternary Aquifer Using Integrated Hydrogeological and Geophysical Estimation of Hydraulic Conductivity on the Tibetan Plateau, ChinaWater 2021, 13(10), 1412
  • R. Jankowski, M. Wallner, A. Peche, T. Graf, A. Verworn (2021): Overland Flow Simulations in an Urban Catchment: A Straightforward Approach to Considering CulvertsAmerican Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
    DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0002040
    ISSN: 10840699
  • A. Peche, T. Graf (2021): Stationary leakage from a gravity sewer into horizontal unsaturated-saturated soil–a numerical benchmark for the verification of pipe leakage modelsTaylor and Francis Ltd.
    DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2021.1893360
    ISSN: 1573062X
  • M. Fahs, T. Graf, T. V. Tran, B. Ataie-Ashtiani, C. T. Simmons, A. Younes (2020): Study of the Effect of Thermal Dispersion on Internal Natural Convection in Porous Media Using Fourier SeriesSpringer
    DOI: 10.1007/s11242-019-01356-1
    ISSN: 01693913
  • Peche A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2019): Physically based modeling of stormwater pipe leakage in an urban catchmentJournal of Hydrology 573, 778-793
  • Sämann R., I. Neuweiler, T. Graf (2019): Forecasting Pollution Transport in Drainage WaterGreen Energy and Technology, 701-705
  • Yang J., T. Graf, T. Ptak (2019): Combined influence of weir construction and sea-level rise on freshwater resources of a coastal aquifer in northern GermanyHydrogeology Journal 27: 2695
  • Sämann R., T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2019): Modeling of contaminant transport during an urban pluvial flood event – The importance of surface flowJournal of Hydrology568, 301-310
  • Desens, A., V.E.A. Post, G.J. Houben, M. Walther, T. Graf (2018): It's hydrogeology but not as we know it: Sub-seafloor groundwater flow driven by thermal gradientsE3S Web of Conferences 54,00008
  • Yang, J., H. Zhang, X. Yu, T. Graf, H.A. Michael, (2018): Impact of hydrogeological factors on groundwater salinization due to ocean-surge inundationAdvances in Water Resources 111, 423-434
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2017): A coupled approach for the three-dimensional simulation of pipe leakage in variably saturated soilJournal of Hydrology 555, 569-585
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.10.050
  • Tügel F., G.J. Houben, T. Graf (2016): How appropriate is the Thiem equation for describing groundwater flow to actual wells?Hydrogeology Journal 24(8), 2093-2101
    DOI: 10.1007/s10040-016-1457-0
  • Stoeckl L., M. Walther, T. Graf (2016): A new numerical benchmark of a freshwater lensWater Resources Research 52: 2474–2489
  • Nguyen V.T., T. Graf, C.R. Guevara Morel (2016): Free thermal convection in heterogeneous porous mediaGeothermics 64: 152-162
  • Yu X., T. Graf, M. Koneshloo, M.A. O'Neal, H.A. Michael (2016): Impact of topography on groundwater salinization due to ocean surge inundationWater Resources Research 52(8), 5794-5812
    DOI: 10.1002/2016WR018814
  • Yang J., T. Graf, T. Ptak (2015): Sea level rise and storm surge effects in a coastal heterogeneous aquifer: a 2D modelling study in northern Germany.Grundwasser 20(1), 39-51
    DOI: doi: 10.1007/s00767-014-0279-z
  • Yang J., T. Graf, T. Ptak (2015): Impact of climate change on freshwater resources in a heterogeneous coastal aquifer of BremerhavenJournal of Contaminant Hydrology, 177-178, 107-121
  • Sebben M., A.D. Werner, T. Graf (2015): Seawater intrusion in fractured coastal aquifers: A preliminary numerical investigation using a fractured Henry problemAdvances in Water Resources 85, 93-108
    DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2015.09.013
  • Cremer C., T. Graf (2015): Generation of dense plume fingers in saturated-unsaturated homogeneous porous mediaJournal of Contaminant Hydrology 173: 69-82
  • Guevara Morel C.R., M. van Reeuwijk, T. Graf (2015): Systematic investigation of non-Boussinesq effects in variable-density groundwater flow and transport simulationsJournal of Contaminant Hydrology 183: 82-98
  • Hirthe E.M., T. Graf (2015): Fracture network optimization for simulating 2D variable-density flow and transportAdvances in Water Resources 83: 364-375
  • Vujevic K., T. Graf (2015): Combined inter- and intra-fracture free convection in fracture networks embedded in a low-permeability matrixAdvances in Water Resources 84: 52-63
  • Walther M., L. Bilke, J.-O. Delfs, T. Graf, J. Grundmann, O. Kolditz, R. Liedl (2014): Assessing the saltwater remediation potential of a three-dimensional, heterogeneous, coastal aquifer system. Model verification, application and visualization for transient density-driven seawater intrusionEnvironmental Earth Sciences 72(10), 3827-3837 | File |
    DOI: 10.1007/s12665-014-3253-2
  • Broda S., M. Aubertin, D. Blessent, E.M. Hirthe, T. Graf (2014): Improving control of contamination from waste rock pilesEnvironmental Geotechnics 4(4), 274-283
  • Xie Y., T. Graf, T. Simmons, H.-J. Diersch (2014): The effect of porous medium storage on unstable density-driven groundwater flow and solute transport.Groundwater 53(5), 806-809
  • Vujević K., T. Graf, C.T. Simmons, A.D. Werner (2014): Impact of fracture network geometry on free convective flow patternsAdvances in Water Resources 71, 65-80
    DOI: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2014.06.001
  • Mustapha, H., S. Chatterjee, R. Dimitrakopoulos and T. Graf (2013): Geologic heterogeneity recognition using discrete wavelet transformation for subsurface flow solute transport simulationsAdvances in Water Resources 54, 22-37 | File |
  • Yang, J., T. Graf, M. Herold and T. Ptak (2013): A fully coupled surface-subsurface approach to simulate flow dynamics in coastal aquifersJournal of Contaminant Hydrology 149, pp. 61-75
  • Irvine D.J., C.T. Simmons, A.D. Werner and T. Graf (2013): Heat and solute tracers: How do they compare in heterogeneous aquifers?Groundwater 53(51), 10-20
    DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12146
  • Graf, T., Boufadel, M.C. (2011): Effect of viscosity, capillarity and grid spacing on thermal variable-density flowJournal of Hydrology 400 (1-2): 41-57
  • Graf, T., Degener, L. (2011): Grid convergence of variable-density flow simulations in discretely-fractured porous mediaAdvances in Water Resources 34: 760-769.
  • Mustapha, H., Dimitrakopoulos, R., Graf, T., Firoozabadi, A. (2010): An efficient method for discretizing 3D fractured fields for subsurface flow and transport simulationsInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, doi: 10.1002/fld.2382
  • Graf, T., Simmons, C.T. (2009): Variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in fractured rock: Applicability of the Tang et al. [1981] analytical solution.Water Resources Research 45: W02425, doi: 10.1029/2008WR007278
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2009): Stable-unstable flow of geothermal fluid in fractured rock.Geofluids 9: 138-152
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2008): A test case for the simulation of three-dimensional variable-density flow and solute transport in discretely-fractured porous media.Advances in Water Resources 31 (10): 1352-1363
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2008): A method to discretize non-planar fractures for 3D subsurface flow and transport simulationsInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 56; 2069-2090
  • Weatherill, D., Graf, T., Simmons, C.T., Cook, P.G., Therrien, R., Reynolds, D.A. (2008): Discretizing the fracture-matrix interface to simulate solute transport.Ground Water 46 (4): 606-615
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2007): Coupled thermohaline groundwater flow and single-species reactive solute transport in fractured porous mediaAdvances in Water Resources 30 (4): 742-771. Erratum 2008: Advances in Water Resources 31: 1765
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2007): Variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in irregular 2D fracture networksAdvances in Water Resources 30 (3): 455-468
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2005): Variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in porous media containing nonuniform discrete fracturesAdvances in Water Resources 28 (12): 1351-1367

Konferenzbeiträge und Vorträge

  • Bangalore Lakshmiprasad, R., Peth, S., Karoline Woche, S., and Graf, T. (2023): Characterization of lowland permafrost mires in subarctic SwedenEGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-232
  • Bangalore Lakshmiprasad, R., Graf, T., Zhang, F., Xiao, X., and Coon, E. T. (2022): A comparison study of process complexity in permafrost dominated regionsEGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022
    DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-7266
  • Sämann R., T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2021): Selecting velocity fields in urban pluvial floods from pre-calculated dataIAHR Europe Congress - Hydro-environment Research and Engineering - No Frames, No Borders, Warsaw, Poland
  • Tran, T., T. Graf (2018): Concept proposal of project W1: Modeling climate change impact on water budgets using an integrated surface-subsurface approachIRTG TransTiP Kick-Off Meeting 2018, 02/2018, Braunschweig, Germany
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2017): Coupling Pipe Water and Groundwater to quantify Pipe Leakage4th International Hydrogeosphere User Conference 03/2017, Bayreuth, Germany
  • Cremer, C.J.M., A. Peche, L-B. Thiele, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2017): A Bézier-Spline-based Model for the Simulation of Hysteresis in Variably Saturated SoilGU 04/2017, Poster Programme, Vienna, Austria
  • Tran, T., T. Graf (2017): Simulation of Thermal Dispersion in Porous Media with OGS and TransTiP: OGS-Application in TibetOpenGeoSys Community Meeting 2017, 12/2017, Leipzig, Germany
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2017): Urban catchment scale simulation of pipe leakage with OGS-HEOpenGeoSys Community Meeting 2017, 12/2017, Leipzig, Germany
  • Peche A., L. Fuchs, P. Spönemann, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2016): Ein voll gekoppeltes Modell zur Quantifizierung von Leckage aus defekten RohrleitungenFH-DGGV-Tagung, 04/2016, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2016): A coupled approach for 3D dynamic subsurface pipe leakage modeling in variably saturated soilOpenGeoSys Community Meeting 2016, 12/2016, Leipzig, Germany
  • Peche, A., L. Fuchs, P. Spönemann, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2016): A catchment scale groundwater model including sewer pipe leakage in an urban systemEGU 04/2016, Poster Session, Vienna, Austria
  • Peche, A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2016): Upscaling pipe leakage: From single defect to street scale modelingnterPore: First General Assembly of German Chapter 12/2016, Oral Programme, Leipzig, Germany
  • Graf T., J. Yang, T. Ptak (2015): Simulating coastal flow dynamics in a heterogeneous aquifer near Bremerhaven, North Germany75th Annual Meeting of the DGG (Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft), 03/2015, Hannover, Germany
  • Stöckl L., M. Walther, T. Graf (2015): The freshwater lens problem: a new benchmark for density-driven flow and solute transportfeflow 2015, 09/2015, Berlin, Germany
  • Peche A., P. Spönemann, L. Fuchs, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2015): Coupling OpenGeoSys with HYSTEM-EXTRAN: A model for the simulation of pipe leakage OGS Community Meeting 2015, 12/2015, Leipzig, Germany
  • Graf T., J. Yang, T. Ptak (2015): Simulating coastal flow dynamics in a heterogeneous aquifer near Bremerhaven, North Germany75th Annual Meeting of the DGG (Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft), Hannover, Germany
  • Stöckl, L., T. Graf (2015): On a new benchmark for the simulation of saltwater intrusionGeneral Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2015-1928, Vienna, Austria
  • Guerara Morel, C.R., C. Cremer, T. Graf (2015): Benchmarking variable-density flow in saturated and unsaturated porous mediaGeneral Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2015-1456, Vienna, Austria
  • Peche A., A. Toewe, L. Fuchs, P. Spönemann, T. Graf, I. Neuweiler (2015): A fully coupled urban subsurface flow model NUPUS 2015, Poster Programme, Freudenstadt, Germany
  • Graf T., J. Yang, T. Ptak (2015): Three–Dimensional Simulation of Coastal Flow Dynamics Subject to Climatic ChangeEGU 2015, Poster Programme, 04/2015, Vienna, Austria
  • Sebben M.L., A.D. Werner, T. Graf (2014): Seawater intrusion in fractured coastal aquifers: prelimenary investigations using a discretely fractured Henry problem23rd Salt Water Intrusion Meeting (SWIM), 06/2014, Husum, Germany
  • Walther M., L. Bilke, J.-O. Delfs, T. Graf, J. Grundmann, R. Liedl, O. Kolditz (2014): Evaluating remediation potential of a salinized heterogeneous aquifer system using three-dimensional, density-dependent groundwater modeling23rd Salt Water Intrusion Meeting (SWIM), 06/2014, Husum, Germany
  • Yang J., T. Graf, T. Ptak (2014): Investigation of climate change impacts to the coastal aquifer of North Germany: A 3D modelling studyAGU Fall Meeting, Abstract No. H41G-0902, 12/2014, San Francisco, Ca, USA
  • Graf T., C. R. Guevara Morel, E. M. Hirthe, K. Vujevic, J. Yang (2014): Characterizing aquifer heterogeneity for variable–density flow processesGerman-Sino Workshop on Aquifer Heterogeneity Characterization, 09/2014, Xi'an, China
  • Guevara C., T. Graf (2014): A Laboratoty Experiment of Fingertip Splitting During Variable-Density FlowSalt Water Intrusion Meeting (SWIM), 06/2014, Husum, Germany
  • Guevara C., T. Graf (2014): Evaluating the Numerical Approximations Used for the Numerical Simulation of Variable-Density Flow in Porous MediaPoster Programme, CMWR 2014, 06/2014, Stuttgart, Germany
  • Cremer C., C. Guevara, N. Goldau, T. Graf (2014): On the Development of Instabilities under Density-Driven Flow Conditions in Saturated Porous Media: Physical and Numerical experimentsPoster Programme, Salt Water Intrusion Meeting (SWIM), 06/2014, Husum, Germany
  • Hirthe, E. and T. Graf (2013): Optimizing numerical simulation of fracture networks for variable density-flowFreshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow, Poster Programme. EGU 04/2013, Vienna, Austria
  • Broda S., D. Blessent, M. Aubertin, E. Hirthe and T. Graf (2013): Conceptual model suitability for reproducing peferential flow in waste rock3rd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • Broda S., E.M. Hirthe, D. Blessent, M. Aubertin, T. Graf (2013): Using random discrete fractures for representing preferential flow in waste rock piles with compacted layers.66th Canadian Geotechnical Conference (GeoMontreal 2013), 10/2013, Montreal, Canada
  • Hirthe E. and T. Graf (2013): Optimizing numerical simulation of fracture networks for variable-density flow3rd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • Vujević, K. and T. Graf (2013): Density-dependent flow and transport in fracture networks for variable-density flow3rd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • Vujević, K. and T. Graf (2013): Effect of fracture network geometry on density-driven flow in fractured porous rockFreshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow, Poster Programme. EGU 04/2013, Vienna, Austria
  • Walther M., T. Graf, O. Kolditz and R. Liedl (2013): Discretizing a thermohaline double-diffusive Rayleigh regime3rd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • Walther M., L. Bilke, J.-O. Delfs, T. Graf, J. Grundmann, O. Kolditz, R. Liedl (2013): Visualization of transient calibration and szenario simulations of a three-dimensional, heterogeneous, density-dependent groundwater modelEurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), 06/2013, New York, USA
  • Yang J., T. Graf, M. Herold and T. Ptak (2013): Investigating tide and storm surge effects on coastal aquifers using a three-dimensional coupled surface-subsurface approach3rd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • Yang J., T. Graf, M. Herold and T. Ptak (2013): Insights into three-dimensional simulation of coastal flow dynamics using a fully coupled surface-subsurface approachFreshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow, Poster Programme. EGU 04/2013, Vienna, Austria
  • Guevara C. and T. Graf (2013): Evaluation of the Oberbeck-Boussinesq Approximation for the numerical simulation of variable-density flow and solute transport in porous mediaFreshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow, Oral Programme. EGU 04/2013, Vienna, Austria
  • Guevara, C. and T. Graf (2013): Implementation of the Extended Oberbeck-Boussinesq Approximation for the numerical simulation of variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport3rd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • Cremer, C. and T. Graf (2012): Numerical generation of dense plume fingers in unsaturated homogeneous porous mediaFreshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow, EGU 04/2012, Vienna, Austria
  • Hirthe, E and T. Graf (2012): Non-iterative adaptive time stepping with truncation error control for simulating variable-density flowFreshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow, Oral Programme. EGU 04/2012, Vienna, Austria
  • Graf, T. (2012): Overview of current csmulation capacities of coupled thermohaline – variably saturated flow using HydroGeoSphereFreshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow, Poster Programme. EGU 04/2012, Vienna, Austria
  • Yang, J. and T. Graf (2012): Simulation of a storm surge event at the North Sea (Germany) using a fully coupled approachFreshwater-saltwater interactions and density-driven flow, Poster Programme. EGU 04/2012, Vienna, Austria
  • Walther M., J. Delfs, T. Graf, A. Al-Saidi, J. Grundmann, O. Kolditz, R. Liedl (2012): Case study of the groundwater resources usage for a coastal arid region in the Al Batinah, OmanHydrogeology of Arid Environments 2013, BGR Hannover, Germany
  • Vujević, K., Graf, T. (2012): Modes of free convective flow in discretely-fractured porous rockTagung der Fachsektion Hydrogeologie 2013, Dresden, Germany
  • Yang J., T. Graf, M. Herold, T. Ptak (2012): Modelling of saltwater inrusion: a new fully coupled surface-subsurface approach22nd Salt Water Intrusion Meeting 2013, Búzios, Brazil
  • Yang, J., Graf, T., Herold, M., Ptak, T. (2011): Tidal beach dynamics: a fully integrated approach2nd international HydroGeoSphere User Conference 04/2011. Hannover, Germany
  • Cremer, C., Graf, T. (2011): Perturbing high-density plume transport in homogeneous aquifers2nd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, 04/2011. Hannover, Germany
  • Graf, T. (2011): Coupled thermohaline variable-density and variably saturated flow in 3D: Current simulation options in HydroGeoSphere2nd international HydroGeoSphere User Conference, 04/2011. Hannover, Germany
  • Herold, M., Yang, J., Graf, T., Ptak, T. (2011): Saltwater intrusion and storm surge processes in cuastal areas under climate change. A modelling study in Northern Germany2nd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, 04/2011. Hannover, Germany
  • Lange, T., Graf, T., Sauter, M. (2011): Parameter sensitivities for helium-4 accumulation in groundwater due to in-situ production in dual porosity aquifersFissured and karstified aquifers. Poster Programme. EGU 04/2011, Vienna, Austria
  • Graf, T., Cremer, C. (2011): Numerical Generation of Dense Plume Fingers in Saturated Homogeneous Porous MediaCombining modelling and measuring to improve understanding of subsurface flow and transport systems, Oral Programme. EGU 04/2011, Vienna, Austria
  • Vujević, K., Graf, T. (2011): Modes of free convective flow in fractured-porous rock (Vortrag)2nd international HydroGeoSphere User Conference 04/2011. Hannover, Germany
  • Cremer, C., T. Graf (2011): Perturbing high-density plume transport in homogeneous aquifers2nd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, 04/2011. Hannover, Germany
  • Graf, T., Mustapha, H., Dimitrakopoulos, R., Firoozabadi, A. (2010): A Method to Discretize Fractures for 3D Numerical SimulationsFissured and karstified aquifers, Poster Programme. EGU 05/2010, Vienna, Austria
  • Geyer, T., Sültenfuß, J., Eichinger, F., Graf, T., Sauter, M. (2010): Influence of the unsaturated zone on transit time distribution of water in karst systemsAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 11/2010, Denver CO, USA
  • Graf, T. (2010): Recent model development: Coupled variable-density and variably saturated flow in porous media1st HydroGeoSphere Workshop, 3/2010, Liège, Belgium
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2010): Incorporating irregular fracture geometry in the study of variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in discretely-fractured mediaAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 11/2003, Seattle WA, USA
  • Graf, T., Diersch, H.J.G., Simmons, CT. (2009): On the existence of oscillatory-convective thermohaline flow in sedimentary basinsAGU-IAH Joint Assembly, 05/2009, Toronto ON, Canada.
  • Sauter, M., Geyer, T., Graf, T. (2008): Investigating conduit-matrix exchange processes in karst aquifersAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 10/2008, Houston TX, USA.
  • Graf, T., Simmons, C.T. (2008): Quantification of variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in fractured rock: A modification of the Tang et al. [1981] problemGeneral Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, 04/2008, Vienna, Austria.
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2007): Benchmarking three-dimensional variable-density flow in fractured porous mediaAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 10/2007, Denver CO, USA.
  • Graf, T. (2007): Effect of single-species reactive solute transport on thermohaline groundwater flow in fractured porous mediaConference of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, 03/2007, Santa Fe NM, USA.
  • Therrien, R., Graf, T. (2007): Modelling results - task 7A1Äspö Task Force Meeting 22, 01/2007, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Simmons, C.T., Bauer-Gottwein, P., Graf, T., Kinzelbach, W., Kooi, H., Li, L., Post V, Prommer, H., Therrien, R., Voss, C., Ward, J., Werner, A. (2007): Variable density groundwater flow: from modelling to applicationsGWADI workshop, 06/2007, Lanzhou, China.
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2006): Discretizing non-planar discrete fractures for 3D numerical flow and transport simulationsAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 10/2006, Philadelphia PA, USA.
  • Sudicky, E.A., Brookfield, A.E., Colautti, D., Jones, J.P., Park, Y.J., Therrien, R., Graf, T. (2006): Simulating flow, heat and contaminant transport in integrated surface-subsurface modelling frameworkAnnual Conference of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 10/2006, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.
  • Therrien, R., Graf, T. (2006): Task 7A: Preliminary resultsÄspö Task Force Workshop, 03/2006, Paris, France.
  • Therrien, R., Graf, T., Park, Y.J., Sudicky, E.A. (2006): Modeling fluid flow and mass transport in fractured porous mediaAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 10/2006, Philadelphia PA, USA.
  • Sudicky, E.A., Park, Y.J., Unger, A.J.A., Jones, JP., Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2006): Simulating complex flow and contaminant transport dynamics in an integrated surface-subsurface modelling frameworkAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 10/2006, Philadelphia PA, USA.
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2005): Modeling coupled variable-density flow and reactive solute transport in discretely-fractured porous mediaAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 10/2005, Salt Lake City UT, USA.
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2005): Modelling thermohaline variable-density flow and solute transport in fractured porous mediaModelCARE Conference, 06/2005, The Hague, Netherlands.
  • Therrien, R., Graf, T. (2005): Task 7: Modelling approach and preliminary resultsÄspö Task Force Workshop, 09/2005, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2004): Modeling variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in complex fracture networks57th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, 10/2004, Quebec City QC, Canada.
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2004): On the use of the Elder (1967) convection experiment as a benchmark problem for variable-density groundwater flow modelsAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 11/2004, Denver CO, USA.
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2003): Incorporating irregular fracture geometry in the study of variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in discretely-fractured mediaAnnual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, 11/2003, Seattle WA, USA


  • Sämann, R., I. Neuweiler, T. Graf (2019): Forecasting pollution transport in drainage waterGreen Energy and Technology (Conference Paper), 701-705
  • Fuchs, L., T. Graf, U. Haberlandt, H. Kreibich, I. Neuweiler, M. Sester, S. Berkhahn, Y. Feng, A. Peche, V. Rözer, R. Sämann, B. Shehu, J. Wahl (2017): Real-Time Prediction of Pluvial Floods and Induced Water Contamination17th International Conference on Urban Drainage, 9/2017, Prague
  • Cremer, C.J.M., T. Graf (2012): On the use of random conductivity fields to promote unstable flow of dense plumes. Models – Repositories of Knowledge.Proceedings of ModelCARE 2011, IAHS Publ. 355, 2012
  • Graf, T., Cremer, C. (2011): On the use of random conductivity fields to promote unstable flow of dense plumes.In: XXX X (editors), Models – Repositories of Knowledge (Proceedings of ModelCARE 2011), 09/2011 Leipzig, Germany.
  • Vujević, K., T. Graf (2011): Modes of free convective flow in fractured-porous rock.In: Oswald S.E., O. Kolditz, S. Attinger (editors), Models – Repositories of Knowledge (Proceedings of ModelCARE 2011, IAHS Publ. 355 (2012)), 09/2011 Leipzig, Germany.
  • Mustapha, H., Dimitrakopoulos, R., Graf, T., Firoozabadi, A. (2010): Discretizing complex fractured media for flow and transport simulations. Proceedings of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM) 09/2010, Rhodes, Greece
  • Graf, T., Simmons, C.T., Boufadel, M.C., Neuweiler, I. (2010): Movement of dense plumes in variably sagurated porous media: Numerical model and results.XVIII International Conference on Water Resources (CMWR) 06/2010, Barcelona, Spain | File |
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2008): Two-and three-dimensional simulation of thermohaline flow in fractured rock: An overview.Annual Groundwater Symposium of the International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research (IAHR), Abstract No. 288, Istanbul, Turkey, 1052-1059
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2006): Modelling thermohaline variable-density flow and solute transport in fractured porous media.In: Bierkens MFP, Gehrels JC and Kovar K (editors), Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling: From Uncertainty to Decision Making (Proceeding of ModelCARE 2005), 06/2005 The Hague, Netherlands. IAHS Publication No. 304, ISBN 1-901502-58-9: 275–280.
  • Graf, T., Therrien, R. (2004): Modeling variable-density groundwater flow and solute transport in complex fracture networks.57th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Abstract No. H24.155, Quebec City QC, Canada, 8 pp.


  • Graf, T. (2009): Simulation of geothermal flow in deep sedimentary basinsEnergy Resources Conservation Board, ERCT/AGS Open File Report 2009-11, ISBN 978-0-7785-6980-0, Edmonton AB, Canada, 17 pp.
  • Therrien, R., Graf, T. (2006): Äspö Modelling Task Force - Simulation of preliminary test cases for Task 7.Technical Memorandum, file no. 06819(UF)-03787.2-T05, Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Toronto ON, Canada, 20 pp.
  • Graf, T. (2001): Incorporation of the simulater FEFLOW into SMALLWORLD GISunpublished Diploma thesis under the supervision of Stephen Schrempp, Albert-Ludwig-University, Freiburg, Germany, 87 pp.


  • Graf, T. (2005): Modeling coupled thermohaline flow and reactive solute transport in discretely-fractured porous mediaPh.D. thesis under the supervision of René Therrien, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, 209 pp.

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

  • Peche A., T. Graf, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler, J. Maßmann, M. Huber, S. Vassolo, L. Stoeck, F. Lindenmaier, C. Neukum, M. Jing, S. Attinger. (2018): Coupling OpenGeoSys and HYSTEM-EXTRAN for the Simulation of Pipe Leakage, HH Processes.Kolditz O., Nagel T., Shao H., Wang W., Bauer S. (eds) Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking. Terrestrial Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham.
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68225-9
  • Peche A., T. Graf, J. Kidmose, H. Christiansen Barlebo, L. Fuchs, I. Neuweiler (2018): Modeling Storm Water Pipe Leakage: Transient vs. Steady-State Groundwater FlowNew Trends in Urban Drainage Modelling, 603-607, Springer, Cham
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-99867-1
  • Simmons, C.T., Bauer-Gottwein, P., Graf, T., Kinzelbach, W., Kooi, H., Li, L., Post, V., Prommer, H., Therrien, R., Voss, C., Ward, J., Werner, A. (2007): Variable density groundwater flow: from modelling to applications.Arid Zone Hydrology and Modelling


  • J. Yang, T. Graf, J. Luo, C. Lu (2021): Effect of cut-off wall on freshwater storage in small islands considering ocean surge inundationElsevier B.V.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.127143
    ISSN: 00221694